I Follow: Mike Hill
Today we highlight ESPN anchor Mike Hill, who offers his followers insight on everything from his love of the hit TV series Law & Order Los Angeles, to how his nine-year-old son helped him operate his new iPad2. Here’s an inside look at his Twitter profile.
Twitter Handle: @MikeHillESPN
Followers: 16,117*
Following: 417*
1. Who is your favorite person to follow on Twitter?
Don’t really have a favorite, but the ones I love the most are comedians such as Kevin Hart (@KevinHart4real) and Earthquake (@RealEarthquake). Darnell Dockett (@ddockett) is my favorite athlete to follow. You never know what he might say.
2. Who is the one person you follow on Twitter whom you would want to write a SportsCenter lead-in for you?
I would want Shaq (@The_Real_Shaq) to write the lead in for me and I’d read it in his mumbled voice.
3. Who is the most exciting person who follows you on Twitter?
The most exciting person who follows me is Mike Tyson (@Mike Tyson). But he goes back and forth . . . he’s following one day and then he’s not . . . it’s pretty exciting but also scary at the same time.
4. What’s been your strangest exchange on Twitter (with fan or celebrity)?
I guess the strangest is between one follower riding me about my hairline for an entire show or this guy who said I looked like a big ole peanut butter chocolate-chip cookie.
5. Why do you use Twitter?
I use Twitter to reach and stay in touch with the fans, promote my brand and get an up-to-the-second update on what’s happening in the world.
* As of 4/19/11