With 100 days to the Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles 2015 (LA2015), ESPN announced its initial coverage plans for the event today, highlighted by three hours of live coverage of the Opening Ceremony on July 25 (9 p.m. ET, ESPN/WatchESPN) featuring Robin Roberts, co-host of ABC’s Good Morning America, and SportsCenter anchors Lindsay Czarniak and Kevin Negandhi.
Also partaking in #100daysTillLA were Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic, hosts of ESPN Radio’s Mike & Mike, who announced they will be co-captains in the Special Olympics Unified Relay Across America (watch Golic make today’s announcement with guest host Ryan Ruocco). Today’s news follows Monday’s announcement that ESPN President John Skipper is among a group of corporate leaders who will also participate in the Unified Relay.
Meanwhile on SportsCenter, retired NBA player Sam Perkins and NASCAR’s Clint Bowyer both appeared to discuss their involvement with Special Olympics. In addition, ESPN.com (Special Olympics makes health a global priority) and Espn.co.uk (100 days to go until inspirational Special Olympics World Games) both featured in-depth feature stories about Special Olympics.
In the midst of today’s news and announcements, ESPNers took to social media throughout the day to spread the word about #100daysTillLA.
Honored to be among those covering Special Olympics World Games in July. 100 days to go. https://t.co/zqPH5cLLvD
— Jeremy Schaap (@JeremySchaap) April 16, 2015
100 days til @SpecialOlympics World Games @LA2015! So honored to tell the athletes' stories as part of broadcast team pic.twitter.com/yWbXglu8jQ
— Marty Smith (@MartySmithESPN) April 16, 2015
Proud to be in @specialolympics Circle of Inclusion & to carry #UnifiedRelay Flame of Hope to @LA2015 #100daystilLA pic.twitter.com/vOdHJgmxeZ
— Mike & Mike (@MikeAndMike) April 16, 2015
So proud to be helping kick off 100 days away celebration of @la2015! #reachupLA #rockstars pic.twitter.com/NCtpYZgVMl
— Julie Foudy (@JulieFoudy) April 16, 2015
We’re 100 days away from the @SpecialOlympics @LA2015 World Games on @ESPN.. Can't wait to showcase these stars! #ReachUpLA
— Kevin Negandhi (@KNegandhiESPN) April 16, 2015
We’re 100 days away from @SpecialOlympics @LA2015 World Games on ESPN! #UnifiedRelay coming soon… #100daysTillLA pic.twitter.com/rB4piv3a6w
— ESPN (@espn) April 16, 2015
Thank You @MikeAndMike @TeamESPN @espn for getting the word out on our #UnifiedRelay to @LA2015 Games! #100DaysTillLA pic.twitter.com/jaj2u1LV3P
— Special Olympics (@SpecialOlympics) April 16, 2015