Inside the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game with Cassidy Hubbarth

Before she reports on her ninth NBA All-Star Celebrity Game tonight, Hubbarth reflects on her favorite moments and storytelling challenges unique to the event

Cassidy Hubbarth will report from her ninth NBA Celebrity All-Star Game tonight. (Matt Starkey/ESPN Images)

Cassidy Hubbarth, NBA reporter and host, has had a front row seat to the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game for nearly a decade. When Hubbarth serves as reporter for ESPN’s telecast tonight (7 ET), it will mark her ninth NBA All-Star Celebrity Game. Before she hits the sidelines in the Bay Area, she reflected on some of her favorite memories from this unique game presentation.

Which is your favorite NBA All-Star Celebrity Game ever?
Even though it was freezing, and the pandemic was on the other side of it, I have to say Chicago. It felt like I was not just hosting the celeb game but a part of the Chicago community hosting NBA All-Star. I was so proud of how my city showed up and we had a lot of fun stars participating in that game, including Chicago’s own Common, who won MVP.

What’s the most challenging element of reporting for this broadcast?
The league is always trying to find new ways to put the celebrities in fun situations. They come up with different rules for each quarter, including obstacle courses, challenges and penalties. It’s my job to explain the rules and keep the broadcast moving while making sure people know what they’re doing. Also, we’re searching for interviews and capturing funny moments at the same time. So, while there is a rundown to the game, it’s often best when we can go completely off “script.” The challenging, or fun part, of hosting is making sure I am just paying attention to the madness happening all around the court and leaning into it.

Kevin Hart (L) and Common pose after after the 2015 Sprint NBA All-Star Celebrity Game
(Lorenzo Bevilaqua/ESPN Images)

What has been the funniest moment you’ve covered?
Any time Kevin Hart was in the game. There was reason he won MVP four times in a row. He always stepped up and brought his A game even if he only scored two points. Whether it was getting into it with Drake or Justin Bieber or even Arne Duncan, Kevin always made the Celebrity Game feel like one of his own comedy shows which kept the energy high and the vibe right.

Catch the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game on tonight 7 ET (ESPN, ESPN+, Disney+)

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