ESPN Films

The ESPN “PRod Pod”: Episode 5, Michael Eaves signs extension during PGA Championship assignment

New ESPN Films Documentary, Premiering Tonight, Takes Fans Inside 2020’s ‘Wubble’

The ESPN “PRod Pod”: Episode 4, ESPN Images’ Senior Event Photographer Phil Ellsworth

The ESPN “PRod Pod”: Episode 3, SportsCenter Anchor Elle Duncan discusses motherhood, maintaining positive social justice momentum, and of course, music

The ESPN “PRod Pod”: Episode 2, The Undefeated’s Deputy Editor Sharon Matthews

The ESPN “PRod Pod”: Episode 1, ESPN Films Producer Marquis Daisy

New In The 30 for 30 Playbook: Why ‘Deep Fake’ Technology Is Used In ‘Al Davis Vs. The NFL’

Understand Why Ada Hegerberg Strikes For Equity In Women’s Sports

‘It’s a story about sports, immigration, and activism all in one.’

The Summer Of McGwire vs. Sosa Thrills And A Springsteen Sighting

‘ … Multiple generations within a single household watched the film together and felt very connected to the story.’

Before 30 for 30 ‘LANCE’ concludes Sunday, ESPN’s Jeremy Schaap Recounts Covering Controversial Cycling Legend

1998: State Farm Was There – And So Was ESPN’s ‘SportsCenter;’ Behind The Making Of The Mayne, Olbermann And Cohn Ads For ‘The Last Dance’

“They used actual web templates from the era, so it’s about as authentic to 1998 as you can get.”

Grab Your Partner And Hit “The Last Dance” Floor

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